EURESTOP has been presented at the AMRelay online, 24-hour event held on 24 November 2023
EURESTOP has been highlighted in the most recent issue of GYA Connections magazine, which is an official publication of the Global Young Academy of scientists.
Scientific articles
Papers acknowledging EURESTOP, listed in chronological order (most recent on top):
Nature-Inspired Compounds: Synthesis and Antibacterial Susceptibility Testing of Eugenol Derivatives against H. pylori Strains
By Carradori S, Ammazzalorso A, Niccolai S, Tanini D, D'Agostino I, Melfi F, Capperucci A, Grande R, Sisto F. Nature-Inspired Compounds: Synthesis and Antibacterial Susceptibility Testing of Eugenol Derivatives against H. pylori Strains. Pharmaceuticals. 2023 Sep...