Download the useful guides
First time with EURESTOP?
If this is your first participation in EURESTOP (COST Action CA21145), there are additional steps to complete.
1 – Register with e-COST
e-COST profile:
Create your profile at
2 – Italian Fiscal Code
If you already have an Italian Fiscal Code
Send the following documents to
– A scanned copy of your Italian Fiscal Code.
– A scanned copy of your ID or passport.
If you do not have an Italian Fiscal Code
Send the following documents to
– A scanned copy of your ID or passport.
– A completed and signed copy of the form AA4_8_Modello_ING.pdf (use the provided template to fill in the necessary fields).
*Instructions for completing Modello 8:
1) PART A, Sections I and II: Already completed. Do not modify them.
2) PART B: Complete this section by entering your personal information exactly as it appears on your ID document (including any double first or last names). Leave the Province field as EE (Estero).
3) PART C: Do not complete this section.
4) PART D: Fill in your home address (private residence), not your work address.
5) PART E: Do not complete this section.
6) DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED: Do not complete this section.
7) SIGNATURES: Do not complete this section.
8) DELEGATE: Do not complete this section.
Important Note:
The Modello 8 must remain in its editable PDF format. Complete the form using a computer and save it in the same editable format. Do not convert it to any non-editable format.
Note: The Italian Fiscal Code shall be requested once, and it is valid for the whole duration of the COST Action EURESTOP and beyond.
3 – Before, during, after the event
Before traveling
– MC Members will automatically receive an invitation by eCOST and must either accept or decline it by the specified deadline (usually, within 2 weeks from the invitation is sent). If the deadline passes without a response, the invitation will be canceled without further notice.
– For non-MC Members, EURESTOP will issue a call to select participants eligible for reimbursement. In this case as well, the invitation must be accepted or declined by the given deadline. After the deadline, the invitation will be canceled without further notice.
– Choose the most economical travel option.
– Book tickets early and ensure your travel complies with COST rules.
During the event (meeting, training school)
– Sign the attendance list daily.
– Keep all relevant documents (e.g., tickets and receipts).
After the event
– Submit your Online Travel Reimbursement Request (OTRR) through e-COST within 15 days.
– Upload all necessary documents.
4 – Reimbursement Rules
Daily Allowance
– Covers meals, accommodation, and local travel.
– Check the rates on
Long-distance travel (>101 km)
Public Transport
– Up to €1500 for train, plane, bus, or ferry tickets.
– Ensure all receipts include detailed information. The document must clearly show the following essential details:
– Full name
– Complete travel itinerary, including departure time and return arrival time
– Ticket cost and proof of payment (bank account screenshots are not accepted; only receipts/invoices are valid)
– Boarding pass (if required)
– No receipts for meals, accommodation, etc.
– A layover must not exceed a duration of 24 hours.
Minimum reimbursable: 101 km one way. Maximum reimbursable distance: 1000 km for the entire journey.
– Reimbursement rate: €0.35/km.
– Required documents: proof of parking ticket must be uploaded to the claim, such as the airport car park. In the event this is a sms, a print screen of the text needs to be uploaded. If you stay in a hotel where parking is free or included in the price, please provide written confirmation from the reception/hotel.
– In the event where you cannot provide proof of parking, such as for example when parking for free on the street, then the car claim cannot be reimbursed.
Other Travel Expenses: Visa Expenses
Participants may claim a contribution towards the required visa costs to travel to the meeting venue as follows:
– visa processing fees or exit visa fees relevant to attending approved COST event(s);
– Attach supporting documents:
– Receipt / stamp from the embassy / consulate issuing the visa;
– Amount paid for the visa fee.
5 – Not eligible Expenses
– Parking fees, fuel, tolls, or taxi fares.
– Personal expenses (Wi-Fi, minibar, etc.).
– Cancellation fees or penalties.
6 – Grant participants
If, at the same time as the event, the participant is also carrying out a grant such as for example a STSM,, an ITC Conference grant, etc. (and thus receiving reimbursement for the grant), the travel costs must be removed from the claim. Additionally, the daily allowance will be reduced by 60%, meaning it will be reimbursed at 40% of the standard rate.
7 – Useful Tips
– Book refundable tickets and accommodations.
– Consider purchasing travel cancellation insurance.
8 – How to claim your expenses
Download quick guide here
9 – Summary of Required Documents
Italian Fiscal Code (if applicable)
A) Have:
– Italian Fiscal Code (scan).
– ID or Passport (scan)
B) Do not Have:
– ID or Passport (scan).
– Completed and signed AA4_8_Modello_ING.pdf (follow template instructions).
For Reimbursement Claims
– Travel tickets or receipts (showing name, date, price, and details).
– Additional receipts for eligible expenses (if applicable).
Already participated in EURESTOP?
If you have participated before, you only need to follow the travel and reimbursement rules.
1 – Before, during, after the event
Before traveling
– MC Members will automatically receive an invitation by eCOST and must either accept or decline it by the specified deadline (usually, within 2 weeks from the invitation is sent). If the deadline passes without a response, the invitation will be canceled without further notice.
– For non-MC Members, EURESTOP will issue a call to select participants eligible for reimbursement. In this case as well, the invitation must be accepted or declined by the given deadline. After the deadline, the invitation will be canceled without further notice.
– Choose the most economical travel option.
– Book tickets early and ensure your travel complies with COST rules.
During the event (meeting, training school)
– Sign the attendance list daily.
– Keep all relevant documents (e.g., tickets and receipts).
After the event
– Submit your Online Travel Reimbursement Request (OTRR) through e-COST within 15 days.
– Upload all necessary documents.
2 – Reimbursement Rules
Daily Allowance
– Covers meals, accommodation, and local travel.
– Check the rates on
Long-distance travel (>101 km)
Public Transport
– Up to €1500 for train, plane, bus, or ferry tickets.
– Ensure all receipts include detailed information. The document must clearly show the following essential details:
– Full name
– Complete travel itinerary, including departure time and return arrival time
– Ticket cost and proof of payment (bank account screenshots are not accepted; only receipts/invoices are valid)
– Boarding pass (if required)
– No receipts for meals, accommodation, etc.
Minimum reimbursable: 101 km one way. Maximum reimbursable distance: 1000 km for the entire journey.
– Reimbursement rate: €0.35/km.
– Required documents: proof of parking ticket must be uploaded to the claim, such as the airport car park. In the event this is a sms, a print screen of the text needs to be uploaded. If you stay in a hotel where parking is free or included in the price, please provide written confirmation from the reception/hotel.
– In the event where you cannot provide proof of parking, such as for example when parking for free on the street, then the car claim cannot be reimbursed.
Other Travel Expenses: Visa Expenses
Participants may claim a contribution towards the required visa costs to travel to the meeting venue as follows:
– visa processing fees or exit visa fees relevant to attending approved COST event(s);
– Attach supporting documents:
– Receipt / stamp from the embassy / consulate issuing the visa;
– Amount paid for the visa fee.
3 – Not eligible Expenses
– Parking fees, fuel, tolls, or taxi fares.
– Personal expenses (Wi-Fi, minibar, etc.).
– Cancellation fees or penalties.
4 – Grant participants
If, at the same time as the event, the participant is also carrying out a grant such as for example a STSM,, an ITC Conference grant, etc. (and thus receiving reimbursement for the grant), the travel costs must be removed from the claim. Additionally, the daily allowance will be reduced by 60%, meaning it will be reimbursed at 40% of the standard rate.
5 – Useful Tips
– Book refundable tickets and accommodations.
– Consider purchasing travel cancellation insurance.
6 – How to claim your expenses
Download quick guide here
7 – Summary of Required Documents
For Reimbursement Claims
Public Transport
The document must clearly include the following essential details:
– Full name
– Complete travel itinerary, including departure time and return arrival time
– Ticket cost and proof of payment (bank account screenshots are not accepted; only receipts/invoices are valid)
– Boarding pass
– No receipts for meals, accommodation, etc.
– Only parking receipt (after November 2024).
– NO Fuel receipt, NO accommodation or meals receipt
Other Travel Expenses: Visa Expenses
Participants may claim a contribution towards the required visa costs to travel to the meeting venue as follows:
– visa processing fees or exit visa fees relevant to attending approved COST event(s);
– Attach supporting documents:
– Receipt / stamp from the embassy / consulate issuing the visa;
– Amount paid for the visa fee.
Other Supporting Documents (if applicable)
– Additional receipts for eligible expenses.